Monday, June 18, 2007

Before and After

No... it's not the Wheel of Fortune. It's just another project by me!
This took me all day... I'm beat!
Before (well sort of... I already started)

and after...

And now... we fest!

Game over.

Even though it was a slow week... woo hoo!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wet... but it ain't sweat!

People complain about rain often. "We can't go outside to play." "No swimming today." "Damn it's flooding again!"

We have had more than our share of rain. Frankly, I don't know why people only like the sunshine. Maybe in some coastal or northern city sunshine year round would be acceptable. But, here in Central Texas.. I love clouds and rain. It keeps the temperature down. I had a great run today. Most of the way it was just a light sprinkle. But, the last 2 or so miles... it started pouring. It was awesome. I'm soaked. People are looking at me like I'm crazy... and, I'm hauling ass!

Try it.

Friday, June 15, 2007

New addition to the family...

Meet Lucy, 9weeks old, 14 lbs. already! Just as sweet as she can be...
She loves Zora's bed...
She and Zora get along great. They are already playing together.

She is curious already!
I love my little girls!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What were you looking for?!

Someone found my blog by searching:

"Jody Bar" military

I guess I'll have to explain what it is... it's stupid.

"Jody" is a term applied to a guy who hits on a Soldier's wife while he is away.


Soldier: "What did you do today?"

Wife: "Hung out with Jody."

In other words, she was hooking up with her lover!

Make sense? On my run today, I remembered other things about the show that just aren't right. Like Joan, a Lietunient Colonel (LTC), getting drunk and dancing on the bar (a Jody bar, mind you)... Not very realistic.

Also, humvees aren't supposed to drive through residential areas. In the show they do all the time.

Also, Soldier's don't salute in doors. So, the scene at the military ball where one Soldier stands at attention and salutes a Colonel... not so my friends.

Am I ruining it for you? I am aren't I?

Army Wives... Giving away our secrets!

There is a lot of buzz about the new series on Lifetime... I have to admit, I've seen both episodes. It's okay... I can't be crazy about it because so much of it is sort of... off. Certain things they do such as... one guy cleaning his gun at home. Yea, they don't bring their weapons home! That is so against the rules. But, I guess that's more "Hollywood".

Then, there's the fact that somehow all these women (and one man) know each other, but none of their husbands (or wife) are in the same unit. Yet, they all manage to be part of the same "FRG" and go to the same ball.

Anyway, that's not my biggest complaint. I mean really! Do you have to give away all our secrets? We like speaking in acronyms and having no one else know what we are talking about! It's our own language and now the website has all of that up for grabs! Dang it! And!!!! One wife was a surrogate mother! Well, dammit I was going to do that this summer, but forget it now!

The "Jody" bar is probably my biggest complaint. I didn't always know what a Jody was... I actually only found out just a few months ago. Why did they need to introduce this in the first episode? It's not like we go around talking about Jodys every chance we get... we actually don't talk about them. At least not the people I know!

I'm not sure how many real Army wives will admit to watching this show.


Monday, June 11, 2007

Ahhh... it's a hot day. I was running today and have so much on my mind... all about running. It proves challenging at times to put my sporadic thought into coherent sentences.

I was so tired this morning, so, I didn't get out for a run until late. I checked the weather.... and decided to run, even though it read this:

"Not too humid," I thought. So, I planned on 5 miles. I started running... and I felt great. I was singing along, enjoyng passing all the late morning Soldiers doing PT. Then, my iPod decides it's a good time to reset. I hate when that happens. Luckily it saved my run... so, here is the first part of my run this morning:

So... I had to wait for the thing to reboot, and start again. It was a nice little break. I walked in a circle enjoying the luke warm breeze.

During the next four miles, I felt pretty good. The last mile though, was my slowest. The temperature increased a bit, and my body temp was crazy high.

When I got home, I checked the weather again.. since I felt so hot...

Anyway... so that was that. More to come later... I must go.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Goodbye... Tiga.

Well... Tiga... is gone. She was a sweet kitty, most of the time. She was part "Manx", a fisty breed that has a tendancy to bite. Husband didn't like that... neither do I, however, I wrote it off as one of her personality quirks. Who doesn't like quirks? It's weird to walk into this room and not smell cat litter... nice, but still weird... unexpected. Her food bowls, bed, carrier, litter box.. it's all gone. I'll miss her. Nothing else to say... pictures say it for me...

When Zora was just baby, and when Tiga has a little less "baby" fat.

PS Celeste, please don't kill me. :)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Stat updates

I thought it an appropriate time for an update of my nike+ stats. If you remember this, then you know I'm awesome...

Current PBs:

Fastest 1K
Fastest 1-Mile
Fastest 3K
Fastest 5K
Fastest 10K
Farthest Run
Overall Average Pace 8'04"

Woo hoo! My fastest recorded 5K would have been better had the race this weekend had a more acurate course... oh well. I'll just have to beat it on my own. But, for some reason, I run faster with people behind and in front of me. It's not as thrilling all by one's lonesome.


Those Nike people are always coming up with cool ways to get motivated (yet they fail to make a good running shoe). Now, you can get codes for your favorite goal, challenge, run or profile, and put them on your website or on myspace.

There is more detail here.

I'm having problem with the html on a blog...but, as you can see... it works to the right>>>>

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


The weekend that precedes wasn't a particularly fun weekend for us... Saturday, started off good what with a good race on a rainy morning and all.. then, the real fun began.

For the past few weeks, we've had a flea problem. Our dog is over two, and we've never had this issue before, but, she had been getting eaten alive when we finally noticed. So, being the responsible dog owners (oh yea, we have a cat too), I went to Walmart and purchased everything having to do with flea extinction.... powers, sprays, drops, shampoos, supplements, carpet cleaner, house spray, collars... whatever I could get my hands on, really. I'm sure the checkout person what thinking... "ewwwwwe." I know that was what was going through my mind.

So, after about a week of washing every rug i the house (thank god we have wood floors), giving both animals flea dips, flea shampoos, spray, drops, and collars... I thought the problem would be whipped... hell, I sprayed the stinkiest crap on the furniture to kill fleas, adults... babies... eggs... anything.

A few weeks go by, and the cat is still infested. Shit...

So, another dip, more spray, more drops, clean the collar... done, right?


Zora only has a few at this point.. but, they are making babies! And, I can't vacuum enough to keep them from hatching!

So, I decide it's time to "fog" the house. This consists of the following:

1. unplug the frig and stove
2. turn off all gas valves (stove, putting out the hot water heater pilot)
3. turn off the water cooler (I hate warm water)
4. turn off the air conditioner
5. be sure all windows are closed
6. Zora in the backyard and cat in dog kennel in the backyard (she had water and food, and a nice blanket... oh and Zora who is always trying to share toys... through the cage... she's not bright)
7. put several layers of newspaper where we will put the fogging cans
8. start cans as we head towards the door
9. be gone for 2 hours.

So, we went to the grocery store... hence the title... that comes later.

When we returned we had to open all windows and doors to vent, and stay out for 30 more minutes. When we got back... we began the four hour process of washing every rug, blanket, dish, pot, pan, lid, glass, cup, pillow case, sheets... in the house. I mean everything. I can honestly say that I washed all my kitchen ware in one day... some of them were washed twice. ICK. After about an hour of this process, we noticed that we hadn't exactly opened the windows... stupid storm things. We tried.

Anyway... so, that was Saturday. Then, we got drunk, ate pizza... that was fun.

So, back tracking... husband doesn't shop with me very often. And, well, I must say he was quite the patient one. I usually let him pick out the meats, and poultry when we go to the store. I can pretty much zoom through the isles, and get the remaining things we need. Every time husband does shop with me, we always end up with something in bulk. One time (about 3 years ago) it was soup (one case... one flavor). That crap moved with us twice. We only just finished it. Another time, it was pink lemonade mix (about two years ago). We never drink lemonade... much less pink lemonade! I had to toss it because it's not the sort of thing you can buy in bulk... it sours, attracts ants. I think we maybe had two glasses.. and it was mixed with vodka. Hum, that's twice alcohol has come up in this...

Anyway, coming back to the current bulk item... frozen corn. GEEBERS! This is the largest bag of corn ever! Not only do we already have frozen corn at home, it won't fit into the freezer without some serious maneuvering... he could of at least gotten the frozen corn-on-the-cob... it's better. He also got two large bags of broccoli, and mixed veggies. He better start cooking. We are now the shameful owners of a life time supply of frozen corn. If you get a hankering for some corn, please, visit me.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Celebrate Killeen 5K

Happy Birthday Killeen... 125 years, and you're still one of the smallest towns (but full of people) in Central Texas. This was a last minute entry for us. We decided we needed a race this weekend, and there just happen to be one.

So, up at 5am... bagels, a bit of coffee, and off to pick up our packets. I was exhausted. I couldn't sleep that night, but it was only 3.1 miles... so, I went anyway.

We got there about 6:15am. There weren't many people, and that wouldn't exactly change. I'd say about 150-175 people showed up. Many of the same faces from the Jackrabbit 10K.

About 7am, the rain started... and so, the race didn't start until about 15 minutes later. But, the rain continued. It was a nice drizzle though... nothing hindering. After a short decline, we started a slow incline. Many people that had taken off fast downhill, hit a wall on the uphill. Husband and I took it all in stride. Despite the wet ground (clothes, face, and feet) traction wasn't impared much on the road. After what would be the only hill, another decline. We hit this running hard. At some points on my iPod, my pace read at about 6'30" per mile... nice. I was feeling good. Then, we went through the park... sidewalk. Not as much traction. There was a lot of mud in the path, and water puddles. We slowed a bit. We hit the two mile point at 13'42". We were rolling... however, the course was about 250 meters short. Maybe more. I ended with a time of 20'56". I was happy with it, though. We ran a hard race... and I felt good afterwards with my 1st place age category plaque. 2nd place was the same girl from the Jackrabbit 10K. Husband probably would have placed, but he likes to run with me. The rain didn't stop until about 8:15am, as we sat around waiting for the results. I won a raffle... two free t-shirts and rodeo tickets for that night. I gave the tickets to the 2nd place girl... she has kids. They didn't have anyone taking pictures... so below is all I have. Anyway, that's that!

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