Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dead hair folicles?

This morning... to my dismay... I found a grey hair in my eyebrow. Luckily, I have enough brown eye shadow to color it in... but, it's only a matter of time. I also have a grey hair in my bangs. I'm too young for this shit.

Also, just now... the freakiest thing happened... I caught a spider making a web in my bangs. I thought I had a spot on my eye or something... then, it moved. I almost broke the keyboard. He was dangling from a piece of silk right before my eyes... literally!

What is it with my hair today?

First the pigment goes and spiders start making homes in my head!?

I think this might be a sign that Armageddon is coming...

Just FYI.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Split personality? What a pain!?

So, occasionally, as many of you (that's like 2) know, I can get into a drunken rambling, "what the heck is she talking about" state.

I can't be responsible for some of the things I type...

no no, I cannot.

For instance, apparently, "Osiris" was surfing myspace late Friday night, after husband and I had already called it a night. She decided to post a comment on a male friend's picture that read, "I have boob envy. What a shame..."

I don't even know what this means (Yes I do, margaritas are my crazy drink).

He thought I meant him.

Damn you Osiris, god of the underworld!!

Friday, May 18, 2007


My alter ego is drunk...

complex and hypocritical

I call her Osiris

I hate Osiris

She's impolite... drunken... impulsive.

I hate her, yet, when she's gone... I miss her. She reminds me of myself... years ago. She wears high heals, low cut shirts, and gives "eyes" to everyone in the room. She demands accommodation. She's a polite, self-important diva.

I fucking hate Osiris...but, dammit, she's fun.

reading? more writing? what?!

I hate that I am involved with so many TV shows, but I can't help it! I blame DVR (Tivo to the cooler people). Greatest and worst invention ever. I think it's great because you don't have to miss much, especially if you have two TVs, each connected to their own DVR. You will miss nothing. Worst because I watch too much TV!

Gilmore Girls- I've watched almost every season. And, well, it's over... for good. It seems s very unresolved. What's Luke doing about his daughter living in New Mexico (of all places... I'm from there, ick)? So, Rory never sees Logan again? And, just like that, Luke and Loralei are back together? I think they are leaving it open for another year. I wouldn't mind. I love the witty repartee.

Smallville- Holy poop! Holy poo I say! Bizzaro arrives! Is Lana dead (I don't think so)? Is Chloe dead (I think s0)? How will they stop Bizzaro? Will Lionel Die? What about Mrs. Kent? Will she be back next season? So many questions. There wasn't a lot of build up to the finale, but it delivered. I hate that Chloe might might be back though... she was one of my favorites. Lana knows Clark's secret! Whoa! I'm waiting for Supergirl to make an appearance. Hopefully soon... it's rumored that this is their last season.

Supernatural- Can't beat it... Dean Winchester.... oh yea. I can't believe they killed the yellow- eyed demon! I like the show, and not just because of the hotties. It's only in its second season, so, it should be around for a while. They have a lot of demons to send back to hell.

Lost- I'm lost. Probably won't watch next season.

Office- I hope Pam and Jim hook up. I had a dream about Jim last night. Apparently, I find him sexy. I didn't dream about James Franco (last night... I didn't say I never dream about him) or Christian Bale (see above), but this guy.... I don't know his name. Anyway Jan got a boob job, which looks like a real boob job, not just fancy camera work or a good bra. What will happen to Karen? Who knows. Funny show.

House- Getting a bit predictable.

American Idol- I hope Jordan wins. I think Blake should have gone home before Lakisha.

Grey's Anatomy- Kind of annoying... no one will ever b happy! Who the heck is this Casey Grey person?? What the F?!

TV is about to get really boring with all the season finales. So, anyone recommend a movie to get from Netflix?
Okay... I'm going to see if I can find a life tonight (because there is nothing on TV on Friday).

Monday, May 14, 2007

Should I smile more?

Today, at the gym, I noticed some weird handle things lying in between machines. I stared at them for a while, trying to figure out what they were as I finished three sets of back extensions ( if that's what they are called). I thought about trying them out, but I hate testing exercises at the gym. I feel silly.

I didn't see anyone use them. Then, a person nearly tripped on them. And, I thought, this could end badly. So, being the responsible gym member I am, I decided to scoot them out of harms way. As I did this I looked up. Now, I don't always control my facial expressions. I'm at the gym, I'm sweaty, I don't have make up on, and I'm not expecting people to be looking at me. So, I looked up as I moved the handle things, and I sort of gave a "look" to some "trainer" (I use the annoying quotation marks because I don't know what look I gave, she doesn't look like a trainer). I knew as soon as I looked at her she was going to assume I was giving her a dirty look.

So, I went on my merry way to the water fountain... made my way back to the weight area.

"Why did you move my equipment?" She asked, in a rather nasty tone.

"I didn't see anyone using them, and someone could trip," I replied... trying not to sound hostile.

"We are circuit training and people can just walk around them," even snottier (word, it should be because it defines her attitude).

"Like I said, someone could trip and get hurt," I replied, still as not cranky as possible.

Then, she wanted to re-enact the event... what I did, the look I gave her, and her actions. I was thinking, what the f**k are you doing lady. She's stomping around the gym floor saying, "look, this is what you did, and you looked at me like this..."

People are starting to stare at her, and some guy is laughing at my expression. I remind myself to control my face because I know I tend to look angry without meaning it.

So, just to get this lady to shut up, "The look is your imagination," I said, "I just don't want anyone to get hurt."

It was a bizarre exchange of words. This woman must be in her late 30s and she's concerned herself with what look is in my eyes.


So, later, as if I needed to talk about it more, this guy that was laughing earlier, said, "I thought you were going to punch her."

"Really?? Why? Why would I do that?" I exclaimed.

"You looked pissed. You always look pissed," he said. I have seem him around the gym quite a bit.

"I'm not mad at the gym... just focused I guess." I said.

"Well, maybe you should smile more," he said. He seems pleased with this solution.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


The morning seems easy... at least, as though, it should be simple. Singing birds, warm sun, purpose, and a rested head... the makings of a measured up morning. So, why do I tread the morning?

The afternoon... I seem to sink. My arms and legs are tired. My nose strains and barely clears the water. Reveille brings, sometimes, some company. I exit my car, put hand over heart, and feel the afternoon steam blowing on my face. The entirety of Post pauses for a single moment... and I am not alone. Our existences are so similar, but completely complex in their own rights. Even in one household, not one experience shares its likeness. It makes treading problematic.

The evening... a shoulder. A shoulder to rest my head, and all its concerns. A few hours of peace. A few hours when my feet touch the bottom, and the water carries me. A few moments of hair stroking, and sweet kisses. Tonight, every night, I rest on the shore... with sand in my hair, and under my nails.

Rinse... repeat...

because--- well, nothing to say!

INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.

1) CuriosityKiller
2) Doggy Mama
3) Life Lemons
4) Sunny Side of Life
5) erased onto paper

Next select five people to tag: (if you haven’t done it already)
1) Softball Slut
2) Jeremy?
3) Twinki
and two random ones because I don't know who else to tag!
4) Expecting Flight
5) Dungannistan

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Trying to find ways to ditch school, probably.

What were you doing 1 year ago?

Ummm... blogging a lot. Very sad, and sulking sort of blogging.

Five snacks you enjoy:
1) Chips & Salsa
2) peanut butter on saltines
3) Reeses Cups (one from fancythis)
4) watermelon
5) popcorn (buttered, deathly buttered, and salted)

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:

1) Red Corvette-Prince
2) Tonight- Sara Evans
3) I Need You- LeAnn Rimes
4) Make Yourself- Incubus
5) Look After You- The Fray

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
3) Go to Grad School
4) Invest
5) Build a big freaking closet for all te Gianni Bini and Kenneth Cole shoes I'd buy

Five bad habits:
1) Biting my nails
2) shoes (But, Honey, there are soooooooo super cute!)
3) sweet tooth
4) my knees and hips see my running as a bad habit
5) laziness after 7pm

Five things you like doing:
1) writing
2) reading
3) running
4) DANCING!!!!
5) shopping for shoes!

Five things you would never wear again:
1) balloon pants
2) socks with sandles
3) tie dyed shorts
4) moo moos?
5) I'm out?

Five favorite toys:
1-5 Husband :)

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Jackrabbit Run 4 Hope

Ahh yes...race day. Here is my report:

Copperas Cove, TX- 73 degrees, cloudy, and humid as hell. It was great running weather.

Distance: 10K (6.2 miles)

Finishing Time: 51'13"

Placed: 1st (female, age group 25-29).

It was awesome. Matt (pulled a hamstring and couldn't run) and I drove the route the night before to size it up. There was a nice decline at the start, that lead into a steep hill (about 1K long)... Many people passed me up at the gun... but, I caught them because they burned themselves down that first hill. I was one of very few that managed to make it up the very hard climb without walking. I just kept it up as well as I could. I hit 1 mile just under 8 minutes... Mile 2 was more difficult. After that hill, we were atop a nice plateau so most of the next 3 miles was flat. I tried to keep my pace around 8 minutes... and I managed. A young girl (about 15), and an older man (about 60) were right with me through the flat parts of the run. Around mile 4, I grabbed some water, and took a bit in through my wind wipe, causing some choking. I didn't stop; I caught my breath and kept on. However, the runners I stayed with most of the run managed to get some distance between us. In the last kilometer or so there was a very big decline. It was hard pounding down the hill. It hurt! A much lighter woman passed me coming down. I hit the bottom, saw the finish line, and gave it everything I had left over. Boy was I tired.

It was nice to complete that run, and see my time as the winner in my age group. I was only a few minutes behind the overall female at 47'50"... which, ironically, is close to my PB for the 10K (no hills involved).

Now, I just need to work on my hill attack!
Here are some photos courtesy of Matthew.

Coming down the first stretch of road... mile 1

Rounding the first turn... sizing up the competition.

Coming down the last hill...

Heading toward the finish line!

Finally done... dripping wet! It was so humid.

Receiving a medal for 1st place.

and, back at home with my Zora... time for a nap.