Tuesday, July 18, 2006

sleep does not come easy

I squint my eyes when I hear someone say, "I'm a genuine person," or "I don't care what others think about me." I squint my eyes because I wonder... I wonder does saying this make it believable, in one's own mind? No matter how many times a statement is repeated, it does not make it fact. In my experience, people really do say things to hear themselves talk. Everyone cares what others think, even God. Maybe I (for example) don't care what Jane or Joe passing on the street thinks of my shirt, but I do care how my family views me; what my husband thinks about me; and what my friends think about me. If you are "genuine", the people around know it, and there is no need for it to be vocalized. A genuine person does not need that sort of validation; although, it may be nice. If you're a good person, when you go home at night, you know it.

One more thing... don't give advice if it's unsolicited... please... it's annoying. If I want to cry on your shoulder, that's all i want... is to cry. I don't want my "problems solved"... I just want to cry. Silence helps more than forced comfort or advice.

Anyway, back to attempting to sleep... it's impossible.


Unknown said...

Wow. This is it. I'm SO excited for you. Many blessings. Enjoy this time.(as if you need to be told ;)He's practically here.

Anonymous said...

dammit blogger erased my comment from before. Damn blogger. Anyways I said that if I see my friend or family person crying I just want to help cause I dont want you to hurt anymore, I want to make it better. That's me anyways. But next time you need just a cry, remind me, and I will try not to fix it. :) Kisses