Tuesday, June 27, 2006

certain- I like being certain

I feel like I haven't had a good blog in weeks. I had an experience that seems to have left me somewhat hollow... possibly even shallowed my sense of soul, for a time anyway. I have felt like a fraud, a fake, and a liar. I can't explain, but I have to force my fingers to strike the keys; I have to concentrate on the screen, too hard.... too hard to do what I seem to love... what I claim to love. Passion shouldn't come forcefully; passion should be haphazard. I feel like I've run out of interesting things to say. Mundane activities seem to interest me more than writing... that is a scary thing I just typed. I can't believe I typed that sentence. Have I become that domesticated? Does domestication mean I give up my livelihood? I need to hold my love. Loving brings light into my eyes. Loving from a far puts a torturous glimmer towards the end of my eyelash... it clings, it clutches... it fights to return, but rumble tumble, collapse and crumble... it's left wadded on the floor, and before I know it, I've squashed it with my high heal.


Anonymous said...

What happened? Does this have to do with the event yesterday? call me

essa said...

No, yesterday went off without a hitch. Other than what's on my blog, i won't really say anything about it. Don't worry... I'm cool, always cool.